City Projects and Information
A message from your City Manager .…
The City of Dawsonville was pleased to host the Chamber of Commerce's Junior and Adult Leadership Dawson groups this month for two mock city council meetings. It was a pleasure meeting these up-and-coming professionals and our rising senior high school students. With those leaders ready to step up, the future looks bright for our community.
Did you attend our Christmas program? Statistical data from Placer AI showed an attendance of 6,000 people at the event. our 2025 dates for Food Truck Fridays have been set, to include May 9th, June 6th, July 11th, August 1st, September 12th, October 10th, and our annual Christmas tree lighting, parade, Jingle Market, and other events are scheduled for November 22nd. We hope you can come out and join the fun and community fellowship.
The City received a $20,000.00 grant from AEMC to be used toward construction of a restroom and shelter to serve the pickleball courts and other amenities at that end of the park. This is the third year in a row we have received this gracious award. We are in the process of getting bids on the shelter construction. Patio renovation between the City Hall complex, the Station House, and Granddaddy Mimms Distillery will begin in the next week or two once we get a break in the weather.
Staff published "Why Invest in Downtown Dawsonville" information packet for business recruitment. Visit our website at, click Departments, click on Downtown Development and you'll see WHY INVEST IN DOWNTOWN DAWSONVILLE and the 2025 DOWNTOWN DAWSONVILLE PAMPHLET. Staff has worked with the DDA to contract with 31 downtown businesses to publish a new Downtown Dawsonville brochure with a gamification option. Staff has developed a program to "gamify" the downtown brochure to encourage shopping in Downtown Dawsonville resulting in $35 spent downtown for every $1 invested in the program (paid for by downtown businesses). Visit DOWNTOWN DAWSONVILLE. Staff has published an interactive Downtown Dawsonville Business Map: DOWNTOWN DAWSONVILLE BUSINESS MAP
Mother Nature Rules, especially in February and March. Rain, snow, ice, high winds and "sprinter" weather are common this time of year. The City of Dawsonville Staff works hard to keep our roads open and water/sewer infrastructure up and running. If you see them out working along the roads and sidewalks, please exercise caution.
Finally, the City received a $7.5 million grant to add to the $3.3 million grant already approved, with both going towards construction of our new wastewater treatment plant. This project should be put out for bids soon.