Dawsonville Profile

City News for the Residents of Dawsonville— APRIL 2022


  Message from your Mayor   

First and foremost, I want to thank you for allowing me to serve as your Mayor for the last four years. I can honestly say that I’ve met some wonderful people and worked with some fantastic people on some great projects throughout this time.   

As we continue to move forward, remember the City is here to serve you, to help you, and will try to accommodate the needs of our citizens.   We (the elected officials and your staff of City employees) work constantly to try to improve the quality of life for our citizens.  

As always, we have a lot going in the city, including the startup of our food trucks in May, and at the end of April, the Farmers Market will begin again, providing you an opportunity to get fresh, local produce from local vendors. Also, please remember to shop local.  


We appreciate any input you have about how we can provide better services and better activities for you in our city. 

Work is currently being done at Main Street Park with a goal of putting in a pickle ball court and possibly a bocce ball court.  

Our pavilions are now open for rental, and we are working with Georgia Power to get lighting for them. Please seek out our staff and talk to them about your needs, or contact me and other city elected officials.  

Have a great day, stay safe, and God Bless each of you. 















A  message from your City Manager…….

North Georgia is blessed to be located in an area that experiences the four seasons; winter, fall, spring, and summer. Spring is upon us, as evidenced by the pollen, buds, and blooms everywhere. With the warmer weather comes more  outdoor activities, busier parks, increased bicycle and pedestrian traffic, spring cleaning and planting, and the myriad of other things that take place in the spring. Be careful as you travel out and about.

It should be the responsibility of all of us to take care of our community, keeping it clean and safe. Your city employees are addressing several issues regarding trash pickup. These issues include overfilling cans, trash not in the can, loose/unbagged garbage, and prohibited items in the trash. Our partners at Red Oak Sanitation work diligently to address these issues at their expense, and we are thankful for their assistance. However, it is not their responsibility to incur the costs caused by violations of our agreement with garbage customers. Trash that is overflowing, unbagged, or not in the can will not be picked up. Additionally, inappropriate garbage, such as remodeling, repair or demolition debris, furniture, appliances, construction debris, hazardous waste, automotive waste, paint waste, and other unapproved items will not be picked up. Failure to comply may result in you being required to rent an additional can or termination of your trash    service. Remember, when you don’t follow the rules, you affect those around you. If you have questions or need to rent a second can, please reach out to City Hall at 706-265-3256.

Main Street Park continues to grow. Planning is underway for additional shade for the park, a basketball court, pickle ball courts, expansion of the skate park, a disc golf course, bridge/trail to the library, and stage options for the            amphitheater. The three shelters in the park continue to rent at a high rate on weekends. 

Also with warmer weather comes more activities for our citizens and visitors. The Amicalola Regional Farmers Market opens from 8:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m. (or until sold out) on April 30th. These popular events will continue every Saturday through the fall. Mid-summer, they may offer the farmers market on Wednesday evenings, once the   produce starts to come in. If you haven’t visited the Farmers Market, you are missing a treat. 

We will kick off our Food Truck Friday events on Friday, May 6th at the Farmers Market pavilion, featuring Robinson Elementary Live Wax Museum. 

We hope you can join us!









Caleb Phillips

District 1 Councilmember
Caleb Phillips

William Illg

District 2 Councilmember
William Illg

John Walden

District 3 Councilmember
John Walden

Mark French

District 4 Councilmember
Mark French