Planning and Zoning
The Planning and Zoning Department is dedicated to providing the
highest level of quality service to the residents, businesses, and visitors
of the City of Dawsonville.
This Department handles the following:
- monitors and enforces laws and City codes
- applications: zoning, variances, and annexations
- building inspections
- process approved permits and licenses
- sign regulations
The Department performs these duties with the assistance of the City’s ordinances and regulations, the elected officials, and the expertise of outside agencies. The department also oversees the City’s Comprehensive Plan.
Our goal is to improve the built environment and the quality of life for current and future residents, businesses, and visitors.

Stacy Harris
Zoning Administrative Assistant, Permits, and Licenses
Serving the City since December 2017
Direct # (706) 203-4923

Clay Moss
Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer
Serving the City since October 2018
Direct # (706) 203-4925

Serving the City since April 2024